PD1500A Hardware Configuration for Double Pulse Test Control
DPT System Selection: With this current software version, select PD1500A.
Click the Check button to verify that the Control software can communicate with all of the DPT system instruments. It sends a SCPI *IDN? command to each instrument and expects the correct identification string from each instrument. The Check button turns blue while verifying the instrument communication. After a few moments, all of the addresses should turn green:
If any or all of them are red, it indicates a failure to communicate with that instrument or an invalid firmware version in that instrument.
Instrument Connections
Instrument VISA addresses should be automatically populated during the initial PD1500A Installation. If not, refer to the PD1500A System Installation Guide.
- Oscilloscope IP Address: Enter the IP address of the oscilloscope. This was set by the Keysight Application Engineer when the PD1500A was first installed. If the system is moved or changed, you must enter the new IP Address. Refer to the PD1500A Control Software Guide.
On the Oscilloscope, touch the Utilities soft key at the top of the screen.
Touch Remote.
Locate the Web Interface field. Do NOT use the address.Use the other address as the Oscilloscope IP Address.
DSOS Oscilloscope Firmware Version. If the Check returns a note such as the following:
you may need to upgrade your oscilloscope software. Do not use version 06.60.00403. Version 06.50.xxxxx and all previous versions have been tested and work without problems.
- Fixture VISA Address:Shows the VISA address of the DPT Test Fixture. This address is fixed and cannot be changed. After clicking the Check button, the Test Fixture VISA Address shows the firmware version of the PD1500ATest Fixture. The firmware version must be valid for the specific software version you are using. If it is not, refer to “Update PD1500A Test Fixture Firmware".
- Waveform Generator VISA Address: Shows the VISA address of the 33512 Waveform Generator.
- Power Supply VISA Address: Shows the VISA address of the Heinzinger EVO Power supply.
- Source/Measure Unit VISA Address: Shows the VISA Address of the Keysight B2902A/B Source/Measure Unit. The is used for system calibration only. Double-Pulse tests will run without error if this address field is red.
More Information
PD1500A System Calibration Including Probe Compensation, Deskew, and Shunt De-Embedding
PD1550A Power Module System Calibration
Hardware Configuration: Fixture Tab
Hardware Configuration: Oscilloscope Tab
Hardware Configuration: Calibration Tab
PD15xxA Double-Pulse Test Output File Structure for details on the output directory format